Bob W is a CoLiving space that offers prime locations in handpicked neighborhoods across various cities like London, Milan, Madrid, Florence, Amsterdam, Berlin, and Oslo. With a high rating of 4.7 based on 23,408 reviews across all properties, guests seem to love their experience at Bob W. The space prides itself on combining the best of both worlds, indicating a blend of comfort and convenience for residents.
In addition to providing excellent locations, Bob W emphasizes cleanliness and sustainability, catering to individuals who prioritize these aspects in their living spaces. The CoLiving space also offers information on its blog, sustainability practices, contact details, frequently asked questions, and career opportunities for those interested in joining the team.
For those considering a CoLiving arrangement for business purposes, Bob W provides options for business partnerships and leasing opportunities. The website also includes essential legal information such as terms of service, privacy policy, privacy settings, and imprint details. Overall, Bob W aims to offer a unique living experience through its strategically located properties, cleanliness standards, sustainability efforts, and business collaborations.
View on Google Maps:
Middenweg 2, 1097 BM Amsterdam, Netherlands
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